Future IT networks face challenges such as holographic video conferencing, driverless cars, and interactive robots, just to name a few of the options that are expected to occur in the near future. In IT data transfer, not only is the goal to increase the speed, but also to create complex systems that can intelligently adapt to the needs of users so that technology remains hidden from the everyday user.
This year, it is the mission to create a robot that modernizes the network within a city by installing new wireless node devices and establishing an optical network between them.

Another sleek and colourful design for the senior map. More space for efficient followline (yay!).
Game Objects
There are two different node devices: black coloured, ring-shaped objects (new devices) and white coloured without a ring (old devices). There are 4 black and 2 white node devices.

2 fibre optic cables are used to connect different areas on the field.

There are 4 identifier blocks in the colours red, green, yellow and blue that are used to determine the orientation of the node devices.

There is a wall construction that defines the White Areas to place the node devices (one in every coloured part) and Orange Areas to place the fibre optic cables (one cable from red to blue and one cable from green to yellow).

Positioning of Game Objects/ Randomisation
Positioning of node devices
The node elements are placed on the left side of the field. There are two lines with three elements each. Every line contains tow black node devices and 1 white node device that are randomly selected. The position of the nodes in the two columns is drawn separately.

Positioning of identifier blocks
The 4 identifier blocks are randomly placed on the 4 positions (numbered 1 to 4) on the right side above the starting area.

Positioning of fibre optic cables
The fibre optic cables will be placed on the orange rectangles on the left side of the field. The size of the orange rectangles and the cables is the same. It should look like the photo below.

Positioning of wall construction
The wall construction is placed on the dark grey area. This dark part is exactly the size of the wall construction.

Robot Missions
a) Place the node devices in the correct orientation
The black node devices must be transported from their initial positions to the White Areas in the installation area. White objects must be left in their initial positions.
The black node devices must be aligned in specific orientations that are determined by the identifier blocks. The identifier blocks define the orientation each black node device should have in the surrounding coloured frame, example: Green block on position 4 means that the node device should be placed pointing NORTH in the green wall area.
In each game, all 4 orientations shown in these photos will be used.

The image below shows a full solution for this orientation.

b) Connect the fibre optic cables

The robot should connect the two optic fibre cables between the different areas. The cable connection should be made between the red and blue and the green and yellow areas. In the best case, the fibre optic cables touch the orange areas of the installation area.
c) Park the robot
The robot must be entirely inside the Start & Finish Area when the round is complete.
d) Penalty points (walls)
The walls must not be damaged or moved from the grey area. If the walls are damaged or moved outside the light grey area, a penalty is given.
I hope you have found this information helpful. To refer to the full Games & Rules as well as the Scoring and Game Object Assembly, please click here.